Dear Body – Andrea, April 2019

Dear Body – Andrea, April 2019

Andrea couch

I can think of so many stories in regards to my relationship with my body. Some sad, some happy, but I believe the most important thing has been that we are companions. It took me a while to not think of my body as an enemy: too skinny, too easy to get sick… therefore very used to use different types of medication, etc.

When I arrived in Germany, me and my body, we have begun our journey and I discovered, that I have a sensitive friend.

Sometimes we get mad at each other, but usually we communicate. I know for sure that my outside is the reflection of my inside. I can feel it in every posture and the energy that comes from my body, sometimes strength, sometimes fragility. If I listen carefully, I sense we are really connected and that connection established signals that now I use to know myself better.

Andrea laughing
Andrea, from Chile

Sometimes we get mad at each other, but usually we communicate.

Andrea arm above her head
Andrea red shirt

Andrea, from Chile

I took photos of Andrea in April 2019. She sent me the text in 2020.

Andrea pointing at herself
revolution is a woman

Revolution is a woman

To all my sisters in Poland protesting against the ban on abortion, to all the sisters worldwide that see their rights being violated every day. To all women and non-binary people who feel discriminated - revolution has many faces, but I believe...

P.E.R.I.O.D. music video is live!

After over a year of preparations - it's live! Watch the video and listen to the song on Spotify/Apple Music. Share with friends and family, let’s #endperiodpoverty together ♥️🩸 The whole PERIOD story started from me reading a book by Emma Barnett...

P.E.R.I.O.D. in Wysokie Obcasy magazine!

I‘m super excited and honored to be featured in Polish nation-wide magazine Wysokie Obcasy with the P.E.R.I.O.D. music video! Wonderful journalist Paula Szewczyk interviewed me and wrote the article, summing up the ideas behind it. The whole...

International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day, but I would rename it to Menstrual Celebration Day. We should do what we can to start a public discussion on how to end period stigma and period poverty. 🔴 What you can do to help? 🔴 Watch our music video PERIOD...
Adi Featured

Adi, January 2019

It all started with this photo shoot.I met Adi while working as a graphic designer in a Berlin startup. She's a natural beautiful redhead, talented artist, illustrator and graphic designer. Owner of an adorable ginger cat named Scotch, who doesn't...

Aphrodite in boudoir

An interview with me from Wysokie Obcasy Nr 12(1128)Above the cover of the printed magazine, below the interview written by Katarzyna Seiler, translated by me into English. If you read Polish you can scroll down to the scans of original interview...

Love yourself on Valentine’s Day

Love yourself on Valentine’s Day

FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF this Valentine’s Day, because there’s no better gift for you and anyone you love than being happy and accepting with who and how you are.

MY STORY: It took me a long time to accept the way I look. I remember waking up and wishing I could see someone else in the mirror – I didn’t have a specific image I wanted, just something else, different. And of course, as probably any woman in the world, I used to dissect my body in my mind dividing between the ones I accept and would like to change immediately.

MY BREASTS was the hardest part for me to accept. I felt like I was only half-woman since my breasts are so small. I also didn’t fit in the skinny girl figure type, as my hips have grown quite a lot during puberty. For quite some time as a teenager I was hoping my breasts would catch up – never happened. Years and years I felt awkward when I had to switch clothes in changing room at a gym, avoided going to the beach, wearing spaghetti strap tops and anything that would bring attention to this part of my body. I felt comfortable wearing push-ups only, but then I was always afraid of the moment it will be obvious that my breasts are smaller than my cup size.

And then I met a person that showed me how to love them. To not expect perfection from them and appreciate them for what they are. Suddenly I discovered that there are actually some advantages of having small breasts, like being able to not wear a bra at all and still feeling comfortable. I started laughing that they are just concentrated type – take less space but have everything they need to make me happy.

I’m so grateful for the body-positive movement, I hope the next generations of girls (boys, transgender people) will never have to doubt their bodies. They give us so much pleasure, LOVE THEM TODAY, TOMORROW AND ALWAYS.

Showing Midsummer Sisterhood at Rotterdam Photo

The 2022 edition of Rotterdam Photo Festival was unique - due to COVID-19 regulations the organizers couldn't have exhibited the works of the participants selected for the 2021 edition, so they decided to combine the 2021 and 2022 editions into one...

Selected Among 50 Brave of 2021 by Wysokie Obcasy Magazine

Dream come true thanks to Wysokie Obcasy and Katarzyna Seiler – to be among 50 Brave of 2021 makes me proud, honored and humbled. So many wonderful women and people, changing the world for better! I’m happy I can add my piece with Berlin Boudoir...
revolution is a woman

Revolution is a woman

To all my sisters in Poland protesting against the ban on abortion, to all the sisters worldwide that see their rights being violated every day. To all women and non-binary people who feel discriminated - revolution has many faces, but I believe...

I got selected for Women Photograph

Back in Berlin, gathering all the memories from wonderful time spent close to nature. I feel like for the first time in my life I connected with nature so much - I used to take the trees, grass, animals around us for granted, moving on to focus on...

In Solidarity with Iranian Women

In solidarity with people in Iran 💪🔥 On the situation in Iran from Amnesty International:On 13 September 2022, Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini was arrested in Tehran by Iran’s so-called “morality” police. Eyewitnesses reported seeing her being...

Two Years After the First Bloody Victory Photo

It’s been two years since I took this photo and published it online to download for free on Unsplash.There were some victories on the way that I haven’t predicted: Scotland making period products available for free, Spain thinking of introducing...

Dear Body – Hana, Feb 2019

Dear Body – Hana, Feb 2019

Hana in blue bra

From a young age, women are taught to mistrust their self-esteem. There are countless ways that society accomplishes this goal but the main offender is the beauty industry. The message from these images is clear: “You should not love yourself unless you look like ____.” It is an incredibly toxic relationship to have with one’s body but it’s unfortunately how I have felt for years. As a teenager, I was mature-looking beyond my years and had a body that everyone wanted to monetize. Strangers, family, friends, all anyone could ever say to compliment me was, “You are so beautiful, you should be a model”.

Although it was exactly what teenage me wanted to hear, it was a slow-moving poison- beauty became the only thing I measured my self-worth by and the only thing that mattered as a result. Forget all of my other qualities as a human being, this was the most important. As I aged, my body developed health problems. I began hating myself because I no longer received as much attention for my looks.

Hana in blue bra laughing
Hana, from US/Finland

It takes serious reflection and work to undo this kind of negative body image.

And find a healthy balance between taking pride in my appearance and basing all my self worth on my appearance.

I have been on this planet almost three decades and the most valuable lesson I have learned is that beauty has nothing to do with my worth. It’s something I still struggle with to this day but I am more confident and at-peace with my body now than I ever was when society saw my body as “at its best”. 


Hana, from US/Finland

I took photos of Hana on February 2nd 2019. She sent me the text in 2020.


P.E.R.I.O.D. at Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin 2022

We had the pleasure to be screened at the 4th edition of Female Filmmakers Festival in Berlin on October 9th. The annual five day film event features screenings of international short & feature films of all genres as well as a hand-picked...

In Solidarity with Iranian Women

In solidarity with people in Iran 💪🔥 On the situation in Iran from Amnesty International:On 13 September 2022, Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini was arrested in Tehran by Iran’s so-called “morality” police. Eyewitnesses reported seeing her being...

I got selected for Women Photograph

Back in Berlin, gathering all the memories from wonderful time spent close to nature. I feel like for the first time in my life I connected with nature so much - I used to take the trees, grass, animals around us for granted, moving on to focus on...

P.E.R.I.O.D. awarded at Toronto International Women’s Film Festival Summer 2022

Toronto International Women's Film Festival awarded P.E.R.I.O.D. in the category "Best Music Video" in their Summer 2022 edition. The festival is sponsored by Toronto Film Magazine and Toronto Film Channel in Canada. Women are involved in the film...

Rethinking Sex

In her book “Rethinking sex” Christine Emba brings up these stories of sexual encounters:Have you experienced any of these:“1. Thinking that we should be having sex, even when we don’t really desire it, because that’s the impression society gives...
Girl Moss Berlin Boudoir

Girl Moss

Inspired by the quote from Daisy Alioto “The girl boss is dead, long live the girl moss (lying on the floor of the forest and being absorbed back to nature).” I think there’s been enough praising for pushing it through, leaning in and striving to...

Dear Body – Alena, January 2019

Dear Body – Alena, January 2019

Alena laughing
Alena on a couch
Alena, from USA/Russia

Stretching skin, pulling, expanding, growing. Creating and nourishing life, my body knew exactly what to do. There is so much strength and power in our bodies, the experience is transformative. Thank you, body, for this amazing gift.

Alena top view
Andrea red shirt

Alena, from USA/Russia

I took photos of Alena in January 2019. She sent me the text in 2020.

Alena heart on the belly
Alena lying down on her belly
Girl Moss Berlin Boudoir

Girl Moss

Inspired by the quote from Daisy Alioto “The girl boss is dead, long live the girl moss (lying on the floor of the forest and being absorbed back to nature).” I think there’s been enough praising for pushing it through, leaning in and striving to...

What’s Your Pleasure?

I was thinking recently of how we tend to associate pleasure with something guilty, sinful, that has to be limited. Whereas it should be otherwise: if something brings you pleasure, and you don’t hurt anyone, why shouldn’t you have as much as you...
Alena featured

Dear Body – Alena, January 2019

Alena, from USA/Russia Stretching skin, pulling, expanding, growing. Creating and nourishing life, my body knew exactly what to do. There is so much strength and power in our bodies, the experience is transformative. Thank you, body, for this...
anekdot boutique underwear Larissa

20 Best Niche Lingerie & Loungewear Brands – Updated 2022

I’m a big lingerie fan and I believe it can do magic to your self-esteem.Why? 1) it’s hidden under your clothes, so you wear it just for yourself, not to prove anything to anyone else 2) even though it’s hidden, you remember about it and it’s a...
Miracle of life

Miracle of Life

I‘m a bit more quiet lately, taking my time to enjoy the nature and wild creatures surrounding me in upstate New York, where I‘m visiting my boyfriend‘s family. It‘s a true cuteness overload: squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, humming birds, fireflies...
photo edited with tezza app filters

Best Tips And Free Apps to Take Your Photography to a Next Level

Use Your Phone Camera like a ProFirst of all – most mobile phone cameras are currently good enough to take some really nice and good quality photos. You just need to know how to use them better. I will share some basic knowledge of how to measure...