I got selected for Women Photograph

I got selected for Women Photograph

Back in Berlin, gathering all the memories from wonderful time spent close to nature. I feel like for the first time in my life I connected with nature so much – I used to take the trees, grass, animals around us for granted, moving on to focus on man-made art, architecture and culture. Now I’m going back to the roots.
I’m very happy to be back in Berlin, and very grateful this city is so close to wonderful lakes and forests. And even within the city we have gorgeous parks and green areas.

I feel like I’m starting a new chapter, and very excited that it aligns with being accepted as a part of Women Photograph – worldwide platform for female and non-binary photographers, making it possible to discover the world from a different viewpoint.

According to their data from the first quarter of 2022 New York Times had only 21.7% photographs by women, The Wallstreet Journal 7.2%, Washington Post 19.8% and The Guardian 7.8%. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done and thank you Daniella Zalcman, Mallory Benedict, Sara Ickow, Vi Nguyen and all the Women Photograph Team for making the change happen!

Showing Midsummer Sisterhood at Rotterdam Photo

Showing Midsummer Sisterhood at Rotterdam Photo

The 2022 edition of Rotterdam Photo Festival was unique – due to COVID-19 regulations the organizers couldn’t have exhibited the works of the participants selected for the 2021 edition, so they decided to combine the 2021 and 2022 editions into one big XL event. Originally planned for February 2022, eventually took place in May, also due to COVID-19 regulations.
For me the most important was that I got a chance to show my project Midsummer Sisterhood in front of the large audience in a printed form for the first time ever.

The theme of 2022 edition: “Human Blueprint” felt perfectly aligned with what I want to say through Midsummer Sisterhood: instead of seeing humanity and nature as opposittes, we should see it as one.
Because I see Midsummer Sisterhood as a dialogue rather than a monologue, it was very important for me to accompany the photos with written statements I got from women who either wanted to participate or eventually did join the photo shoot.

To invite the audience of Rotterdam Photo Festival to join the conversation I put up a wall, where they could answer questions like: “”How do you feel  in your body?”, “Midsummer Sisterhood means to me:”, “Nature and we are…”, “What do you feel when you look at these photos?”

I was truly moved by some of the answers and the conversations I had with the visitors. I decided to share some of them here with you.

Text I wrote to introduce Midsummer Sisterhood to Rotterdam Photo audience:

In summer 2020, after long months of lockdown, I came up with an idea to combine celebrating the summer solstice and womanhood – I called it Midsummer Sisterhood. I put a post on social media that I’m looking for women willing to become a part of the project: pose for photos in a forest near Berlin’s city center, meet other women and have fun together. As founder of Berlin Boudoir, where I show the unfiltered raw beauty of women’s bodies, I could assure them that all ages, sizes and shapes are welcome. No experience in front of the camera was necessary. You just needed to have a black bikini and your body.

The experience and photographic outcome of that photo shoot left me in awe at how female energy, when shared, can transform and empower women. For most of the women it was a turning point in their lives – they told me how they finally stopped being ashamed of the “imperfections” in their bodies, and started celebrating the joy and pleasure our bodies bring.

That’s why I decided to repeat the experience this year, in 2021. As previously, I posted an open call on social media and got an overwhelming amount of responses. I asked in an application survey why women wanted to join. Among the responses I got were: “Because I think this project help us to accept ourselves as we are, as well as create bonds of union between us.” “The idea of connecting woman power with nature power is very exciting for me.”

I feel that we tend to think about human blueprint on the world in a negative way, and rightly so – seeing how we destroyed the natural environment. But I think it’s mostly because we forgot that we and nature are one. And that’s what I’m hoping to achieve with Midsummer Sisterhood.

Photos below by Julia Gat ©

Styling for boudoir and portrait photography – what to wear and what to avoid

Styling for boudoir and portrait photography – what to wear and what to avoid

I will talk here mostly about boudoir photography, but majority of these tips you can also apply to any other type of portraits. Hope it help you get the best out of your photos!

1. Be natural = be yourself


The first thing that might come into your mind is: “I’m going to be photographed, I need to work on my look!” and that’s totally understandable, but also please don’t go overboard. Stay true to the way you are everyday, or otherwise you will end up looking not like yourself (unless that’s your goal). Many times boudoir photography is paired with a makeup and hair styling session, and as much as I get it, I like to do things differently. I want women to look naturally beautiful – and you can define what naturally means to you. You feel natural with mascara on? Great, go for it. You never wear any makeup? Why should you change that for the occasion of the photo shoot?

It’s important to me you remain your everyday self. Why? I believe only when you embrace the way you and your body looks without all the extras, you can be fully empowered and liberated. Because you will feel beautiful just the way you are.

I think that when you come to a photo shoot and get all the makeup, hairdo etc. you get transformed into a version of you that normally doesn’t look back at you from the mirror. It can be a wonderful experience, but it’s a form of performance – the moment you get back home and take a shower, you go back to being your everyday you, very different from the “glamour” styling. Looking back at the photos in that situation can, in my opinion, unfortunately make you even more self-conscious: “I looked pretty once for a brief moment and right now I’m back to my regular boring me”. And that’s so untrue! When I take photos of the way you naturally are, you can relate to that every f*ing day, you can replicate the feeling you got during the photo shoot very easily, because you were the stylist, the hairdresser and the makeup artist! And you know that there’s no need for the whole “theater” around your appearance to be beautiful.

I don’t want you to change only for the photo shoot, make you feel and look unlike yourself and only then say “now you’re ready for a portrait”. I want to show you that the way you are every day – you’re great, beautiful and there’s nothing that should change about it.

2. Colors

Generally you should stick with colors you feel good in, but if you got this bright red dress and never found the courage to wear it – now it’s the time to give it a chance. Also remember a few rules:

  • a color that’s much lighter than you complexion will always make you look more relaxed and  give you that glow. Fair skin tones – consider wearing white. Darker skin tones – white can be in too much contrast with your skin, so consider something neutral but still much lighter than your complexion, because…


  • nude color (=the same shade as your skin color) is usually not flattering – always opt for something lighter or darker, not the same shade as your skin.
  • warm, muted colors usually work well with portraits – think of curry yellow, brick, earthy shades, dusty pink, peach, muted teal etc.
  • strong cold colors don’t usually work – every color you wear is casting shade onto your skin/face, and you don’t want to end up with a strong green hue on your face; avoid: strong green, blue. Also avoid strong red if you have a pinkish complexion.


Hana sitting and drinking coffee

3. Don’t be a banner for someone else’s promotion

Avoid clothes with big logos, promotional texts or portraits of celebrities on them – you don’t want to be someone’s advertisement for free. The only person you should promote is yourself. Other texts – if meaningful to you – are obviously more than welcome.

Below Adi in a great example of a meaningful wording on a T-shirt, that’s great to use during a photo shoot. Adi brought it to the photo shoot and it prompted me to combine it with a playful pose.

4.Be comfortable

Steer clear of clothing that is too tight. You want to be able to move around and feel good. Since we’re talking about boudoir here – lingerie and all related items are welcome. Anything that makes you sexy but also comfortable: bras & panties, body, night gown, corset, stockings and dress, skirt, sexy sweater (especially oversized ones you can wear on naked body), jacket, shirt/T-shirt, high socks, shoes (not necessary – only if you have ones you really want to show off).

boudoir photography myths

5. If you want naked photos – plan in advance.

If you’re planning any naked photos, please wear a bra/panties that don’t leave marks on your body, or just no bra. The same with outer clothes – if they’re too tight, it will take quite a long time for the seams and creases marks to disappear from your skin.


Cherry Blossom Sisterhood

“Our bare feet rooted in the cherry blossomed earth, the womb fire of women sharing their warmth, the air speckled with petals and laughter, and the flowing water of poses together and apart......what a morning of Springtime joys!!“ - Tam...
Eva featured

Eva, February 2019

There’s no better feeling than when you read something like that:“Shout our to my friend Monika @berlinboudoir for making women like me feel BEAUTIFUL!⠀I never thought there was something wrong with my body. It’s a body, it’s the body that made me...
Berlin Boudoir empowering boudoir photo shoots

Easy DIY Home SPA – With Recipes for Home-Made Cosmetics

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Girl Moss Berlin Boudoir

Girl Moss

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5 myths about boudoir photography

1. Boudoir photography is all about showing sexy women in lingerie or naked.Wrong! Boudoir is a French term, which refers to a woman's private room where she can have all the time for herself. This type of photography is all about being intimate,...
The Bold and Beautiful

Berlin Boudoir Xmas Gifts Guide

Originally sent out as a newsletter - if you would like to get such posts ahead of everyone else, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of the page.I’m happy to present you (pun intended) a curated list of gift ideas.I spent time...

Best Tips And Free Apps to Take Your Photography to a Next Level

Best Tips And Free Apps to Take Your Photography to a Next Level

Use Your Phone Camera like a Pro

First of all – most mobile phone cameras are currently good enough to take some really nice and good quality photos. You just need to know how to use them better. I will share some basic knowledge of how to measure light and help with composition using the tools your phone camera has already.

I’m using an iPhone, so sharing how to do it on an iPhone, but I’m sure it’s similar for all smartphones.


how to turn on the grid in iphone camera

This will allow you to see a grid of 2 by 2 lines, dividing your screen into 9 rectangles.

This is the basic rule of composition – the most important elements on your photo should either go along the lines or be positioned in the 4 intersections the lines create.

These are the lines/points that our eye is most drawn to. When you place an important element of a composition along the lines, it will create a feeling of balance, so sought after when taking photos most of the time. Usually you want people to focus on the subject of your photography and not get distracted by weird cropping.

main focus points on the portrait photo

Portrait of gorgeous Adi – you can see how placing one of her eyes along the composition line created a feeling of balance.

portrait main focus points grid

Portrait of Andrea – the very strong triangular shape created by her bend leg ends exactly in one of the main focal points.

Remember about the main 4 intersections – these are the most “powerful” points of the composition

They’re not too much on the sides and not too much in the center of the photo. Try placing an important element of the composition in one of them.


Tap on the element that’s the brightest on your photo, the camera will automatically adjust the light settings to make the rest of the frame darker. Another thing you can easily do: just tap on the screen and without raising your finger slide up or down – you will add/reduce exposure, meaning brightness of the photo. Especially useful when you’re taking photos in dark settings.

how to adjust camera brightness on your phone

Edit With Free Apps to Rule the Colors

1. VSCO – the most famous photo filters

VSCO started with their own app a while ago and quickly became THE app for editing photos.

When you see Instagram influencers posting moody or vintage looking shots, high chances they are using VSCO.

The app comes in a free version with a limited amount of presets, which you can extend paying $19.99 for a yearly membership.

What’s nice about these presets, apart from the wide variety of options, is that it allows you to control the amount of filter (from 0 to 12) and adjust other aspects of the photo like cropping, exposure, color, grain, fade. VSCO also has their own built-in camera option, so that you don’t even have to upload photos from your photos stream but take them directly within the app and edit immediately afterwards.

Selfie in the VSCO app with filter slider

You can easily decide on the amount of filter you apply with the slider – here it’s the maximum amount: 12

2. Afterlight – when you want to get more funky

photo with light streak from afterlight

Portrait of Adi to which I added a matching light leak to create a bit spiced-up image.

Afterlight offers you quite a good choice of filters (you can extend that with a premium membership for 3,49€ / month or 19,49€ / year) but the reason I’m mentioning it here is the ability to play with the photos afterwards: light leaks, color shifts and frames are available in the free option.

3. Tezza – vintage look from a photographer and musician who rocks Instagram with her back-to-70s style

If you would like to experiment with the grungy look – Tezza offers addition of dust and grain to make it look like an old camera photo. There is a premium version as well, which allows you to add vintage-looking subtitles to your photos and videos, as well as wider range of filter choices ($1.99 /month or $19.99 /year).

photo edited with tezza app filters

Tezza App can help you turn everyday bedroom setting into a vintage style boudoir feel – photo with added grain and dust.

victory mensturation

Why I started photographing menstrual blood

It was a long and cold lockdown winter in Berlin.Above photo I uploaded to Unsplash and you can use it for free for your project (please credit me if you do!) - you can see it hereI was very very hungry for photo shoots, but it was simply not...
photo edited with tezza app filters

Best Tips And Free Apps to Take Your Photography to a Next Level

Use Your Phone Camera like a ProFirst of all – most mobile phone cameras are currently good enough to take some really nice and good quality photos. You just need to know how to use them better. I will share some basic knowledge of how to measure...

P.E.R.I.O.D. awarded at Toronto International Women’s Film Festival Summer 2022

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Adi Featured

Adi, January 2019

It all started with this photo shoot.I met Adi while working as a graphic designer in a Berlin startup. She's a natural beautiful redhead, talented artist, illustrator and graphic designer. Owner of an adorable ginger cat named Scotch, who doesn't...

5 myths about boudoir photography

1. Boudoir photography is all about showing sexy women in lingerie or naked.Wrong! Boudoir is a French term, which refers to a woman's private room where she can have all the time for herself. This type of photography is all about being intimate,...

International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

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5 myths about boudoir photography

5 myths about boudoir photography

1. Boudoir photography is all about showing sexy women in lingerie or naked.

Wrong! Boudoir is a French term, which refers to a woman’s private room where she can have all the time for herself. This type of photography is all about being intimate, cozy and sensual, but you don’t need to pose in sexy lingerie to feel that. Everything that can waken up your senses is very welcome – your favorite soft sweater with a pair of woolen high socks can be a perfect solution. It’s not all about showing your skin, but of course it can be a part of it – you decide.

Above a photo of myself I took long before I knew I would ever live in Berlin and start boudoir photography. Yet I craved this atmosphere of calmness, intimacy and femininity. Photos on which women are powerful and strong yet delicate. This fake fur I bought on discount became a perfect excuse to try it out.

2. You get boudoir photos as a gift for your partner.

Boudoir in my opinion is all about feeling comfortable in your own body, owning your body image and your sexuality. It’s not about being sexy for someone else, it’s about showing yourself that you care about the one and only body you have. I know that you can find boudoir photos focused on pleasuring the viewer on the internet: women perking up their breasts or sticking out their butts towards the camera. But it shouldn’t be a “who’s the sexiest” contest.

There’s a saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder and as much as I agree with it, we tend to put ourselves in the place of the beauty not the beholder. True magic happens when you position yourself as the beholder – you’re the judge of who and what is beautiful. You don’t need to expose yourself and wait for the judgement of others to know if you pass the beauty test or not, you can simply put yourself out there claiming “I’m beautiful.” Of course there might be people who disagree, but isn’t it the wonderful part of this diverse world? You may think roses are the most beautiful flowers, but someone will find them too cliche – and we don’t get upset about that. You are beautiful and you can decide to share your beauty with the world through boudoir photos if you wish so.

3. You need a total visual makeover before a boudoir shoot.

Marilyn Monroe once said “A smile is the best make-up any girl can wear” – I can’t agree more with that. In my opinion boudoir photos should make you feel at ease, happy and cheerful. I know that there are some photographers who offer hair styling and make-up services, and it’s completely fine if that’s what you’re looking for. But I want to show an alternative and remind women it’s an option not a necessity. Of course you can look amazing after a whole staff took care of your looks, but I want to show you that you don’t need all of that to feel and actually be pretty. Just come the way you are every day. You can wear make-up and style your hair, if you feel like it. But you can also stay as natural as you want. Just wear a smile and it will be fabulous.

4. Boudoir photos are only for young and slim women.

Biggest mistake you can make! There are no limits to what is beautiful, but unfortunately we were raised in a culture that decided there are certain boundaries. You need a firm, flawless skin, perky breasts, round butt, big eyes, small nose, long legs – you know, the Barbie type. But let me tell you – of all the wonderful women I photographed not a single one felt she has passed the “beauty test” from the start. And they came from all different countries, ethnicities, shapes and ages! When you’re white you want to get tanned, when you’re brown you want to avoid sun and not get any darker. All these laws of beauty are so contradictory simply because they’re straight up bullshit installed in us to make us feel smaller and less powerful.

We’re beautiful at every size, every stage of our life. And I’m on a mission with Berlin Boudoir to show that to all the people around. Stretchmarks, wrinkles, saggy skin, round belly – they deserve our love, they show the way our bodies went with us through life. Why would we be ashamed of them – they’re the witnesses of our resilience and strength. Show them with pride.

boudoir photography myths

5. You need to know how to pose/have experience in front of camera.

Absolutely not! In my photo shoot I will never ask you to strike a pose that feels uncomfortable, so you don’t need to have special posing skills.

When I first started Berlin Boudoir I asked my boyfriend to come and help me try out poses I found online. Oh my, how surprised I was to discover that some of them, which seemed easy, turned out to be really hard! I knew I never want to turn my models into a robot when I’m instructing them to move every body part separately. You should feel comfortable at all times during the photo shoot – that’s my main goal. If you feel good, you’ll look good as well.

Showing Midsummer Sisterhood at Rotterdam Photo

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