I got selected for Women Photograph
Back in Berlin, gathering all the memories from wonderful time spent close to nature. I feel like for the first time in my life I connected with nature so much – I used to take the trees, grass, animals around us for granted, moving on to focus on man-made art, architecture and culture. Now I’m going back to the roots.
I’m very happy to be back in Berlin, and very grateful this city is so close to wonderful lakes and forests. And even within the city we have gorgeous parks and green areas.
I feel like I’m starting a new chapter, and very excited that it aligns with being accepted as a part of Women Photograph – worldwide platform for female and non-binary photographers, making it possible to discover the world from a different viewpoint.
According to their data from the first quarter of 2022 New York Times had only 21.7% photographs by women, The Wallstreet Journal 7.2%, Washington Post 19.8% and The Guardian 7.8%. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done and thank you Daniella Zalcman, Mallory Benedict, Sara Ickow, Vi Nguyen and all the Women Photograph Team for making the change happen!