P.E.R.I.O.D. in Wysokie Obcasy magazine!

P.E.R.I.O.D. in Wysokie Obcasy magazine!

I‘m super excited and honored to be featured in Polish nation-wide magazine Wysokie Obcasy with the P.E.R.I.O.D. music video! Wonderful journalist Paula Szewczyk interviewed me and wrote the article, summing up the ideas behind it. The whole article in my translation follows:

She came up with the idea to contrast the non-glamorous sanitary napkins with the aesthetics of jewelry or sexy lingerie advertisements. Monika Kozub recorded “Period” with the slogan “period is not a luxury” in mind.

“First PMS, then the pain and stress. Where’s my money, where’s respect for the flow that you reject? It’s time to progress” raps a woman sitting on a toilet, her panties down at her ankles with a bloody panty liner. It’s the main character of the music video “Period” created by the artist Monika Kozub and her partner Daniel S. Roden,  to “celebrate menstruation and fight menstrual poverty”.

The first inspiration for the video came to Monika, a Polish woman, who had been living in Berlin for several years, when she started to use a menstrual cup and she fell in love with it.

– It’s a completely different experience than tampons and pads. Looking at this small container with fresh, red blood, I wanted to take pictures of it instantly – she tells us in an interview.

Second inspiration came when she realized that the photos used to illustrate texts about menstruation are usually showing perfectly white, clean pads that have nothing to do with reality. – A tampon covered in red glitter or a red melting popsicle are nice metaphors, but still only metaphors. I wanted to show the truth about the period in my pictures.

After all, we all know or we can pretty much guess what menstruation really looks like.


The artist, influenced by an earlier collaboration with Berlin-based NGO Social Period, which fights menstrual poverty and educates about the economic struggles of menstruating people, decided to record “Period”.

– I came up with the idea to contrast the image of sanitary pads, which are neither sexy nor glamorous, with the aesthetics of vintage jewelry and sexy lingerie ads. Contrary to the slogan that “the period is not luxurious”.

Monika Kozub and Daniel S. Roden decided to record a rap song, as it was the first music genre that came to their mind when thinking about a musical way to protest. In addition, in their opinion, rap with its counter-culturalism and anger is ideally suited to the topic, as a way to shout out freely what bothers you.


“If the blood were gold, we’d rule the world” – sing the women in the video. We also see a woman with her fingers covered in blood in the sign of victory, and then pointing to a pad she holds in the other hand asking: “You think this shit’s free?!”

There is also a bathtub full of white foam with distinct red stains, or a jar filled with jam, resembling blood, with which the rapper smears her lips and the skin around them.

– Was I worried about the accusation that the material was “tasteless”? No, because it’s visually appealing, and the text that accompanies it fits well with the video. The viewer gets hit in the face with the images related to menstruation, but it’s important to remember that only because we menstruate humanity still exists. I would like us to stop frowning at the thought of period and stop embarrassing menstruating people or saying what “can” and “should” be shown about them.

In addition according to Monika Kozub, a negative reaction to the clip will say more about the viewer than the video.

– Many times I have heard an argument in conversations about periods that everyone defecates, but it doesn’t mean that you have to show people smearing each other’s poop. Except that defecation is not a process by which babies are born, even though culture considers both – menstruation and defecation – equally dirty. The menstrual blood is clean, it’s exactly the same as the blood from wounds we see in the movies, and yet somehow only menstrual blood is considered disgusting.

The creators worked on “Period” for over a year. Together, they prepared the text, music and photos. Kozub has covered the cost of the costumes for the video as well as the decorations out of her own pocket. Now she would like the film to become a period manifesto for everyone who has a menstrual flow.

International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022

May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day, but I would rename it to Menstrual Celebration Day. We should do what we can to start a public discussion on how to end period stigma and period poverty.

🔴 What you can do to help?

🔴 Watch our music video PERIOD and share with anyone you know – we intended it to be an easy way to start a discussion on that topic.

🔴 Share the stats below on your social media (yes, feel free to repost and tag me) – people should know what period poverty means and how it affects people who menstruate.

🔴 Try to talk openly about your period or periods of people around you – there’s no reason to keep the shame and taboo around menstruation, and the change can start from you.

🔴 If you can donate to organizations that help with period poverty.

All stats according to Days for Girls, Thinx , Period.org and BYU.

Globally 3.5 billion people menstruate
Over 500 million, nearly 25% of all menstruators, experience period poverty
Period poverty means you don't have access to menstrual hygiene products
1 in 5 teenagers in the US have struggled to afford period products. Period poverty happens everywhere.
 If a person was to use a tampon every 6h and 4 tampons are used per day of menstruation, that would equal to 20 tampons for every 5-day menstrual cycle, totaling 9,120 tampons in their life. If a box of tampons costs $7 and there are 36 tampons in a box, the cost for a lifetime would equal to $1,733.33.
With pads the lifetime cost of using 3-5 pads  per day of menstruation would sum up to $4,752.
On top of that there is also “pink tax” on menstrual hygiene products - a price discrepancy in which services and products marketed to women cost more than identical products or services marketed to men. 30 out of the 50 US states have that pink tax.
share & let’s  #endperiodpoverty together

Two Years After the First Bloody Victory Photo

Two Years After the First Bloody Victory Photo

It’s been two years since I took this photo and published it online to download for free on Unsplash.

There were some victories on the way that I haven’t predicted: Scotland making period products available for free, Spain thinking of introducing period leave, more and more people being aware of period poverty around the world and many great initiatives to fight it. And yet, as a great caption by @mycommalife reminded me: still image of menstrual blood is seen as shocking and shameful, even though we’re so used to seeing violence and blood spilled on the screen.

 I checked Unsplash and my photos are still the only ones that actually depict blood, don’t beat around the bush with pretty yet not entirely honest pictures of melting pop sickle or a tampon covered in red glitter. For better if for worse – periods don’t have glitter, just honest beauty of this force of life.

Showing Midsummer Sisterhood at Rotterdam Photo

Showing Midsummer Sisterhood at Rotterdam Photo

The 2022 edition of Rotterdam Photo Festival was unique – due to COVID-19 regulations the organizers couldn’t have exhibited the works of the participants selected for the 2021 edition, so they decided to combine the 2021 and 2022 editions into one big XL event. Originally planned for February 2022, eventually took place in May, also due to COVID-19 regulations.
For me the most important was that I got a chance to show my project Midsummer Sisterhood in front of the large audience in a printed form for the first time ever.

The theme of 2022 edition: “Human Blueprint” felt perfectly aligned with what I want to say through Midsummer Sisterhood: instead of seeing humanity and nature as opposittes, we should see it as one.
Because I see Midsummer Sisterhood as a dialogue rather than a monologue, it was very important for me to accompany the photos with written statements I got from women who either wanted to participate or eventually did join the photo shoot.

To invite the audience of Rotterdam Photo Festival to join the conversation I put up a wall, where they could answer questions like: “”How do you feel  in your body?”, “Midsummer Sisterhood means to me:”, “Nature and we are…”, “What do you feel when you look at these photos?”

I was truly moved by some of the answers and the conversations I had with the visitors. I decided to share some of them here with you.

Text I wrote to introduce Midsummer Sisterhood to Rotterdam Photo audience:

In summer 2020, after long months of lockdown, I came up with an idea to combine celebrating the summer solstice and womanhood – I called it Midsummer Sisterhood. I put a post on social media that I’m looking for women willing to become a part of the project: pose for photos in a forest near Berlin’s city center, meet other women and have fun together. As founder of Berlin Boudoir, where I show the unfiltered raw beauty of women’s bodies, I could assure them that all ages, sizes and shapes are welcome. No experience in front of the camera was necessary. You just needed to have a black bikini and your body.

The experience and photographic outcome of that photo shoot left me in awe at how female energy, when shared, can transform and empower women. For most of the women it was a turning point in their lives – they told me how they finally stopped being ashamed of the “imperfections” in their bodies, and started celebrating the joy and pleasure our bodies bring.

That’s why I decided to repeat the experience this year, in 2021. As previously, I posted an open call on social media and got an overwhelming amount of responses. I asked in an application survey why women wanted to join. Among the responses I got were: “Because I think this project help us to accept ourselves as we are, as well as create bonds of union between us.” “The idea of connecting woman power with nature power is very exciting for me.”

I feel that we tend to think about human blueprint on the world in a negative way, and rightly so – seeing how we destroyed the natural environment. But I think it’s mostly because we forgot that we and nature are one. And that’s what I’m hoping to achieve with Midsummer Sisterhood.

Photos below by Julia Gat ©

P.E.R.I.O.D. featured in Curated by Girls!

P.E.R.I.O.D. featured in Curated by Girls!

“P.E.R.I.O.D is an art video by Berlin Boudoir, celebrating that time of the month, with a mission to draw attention to period poverty; a lack of access to menstrual products, which affects many individuals who menstruate globally, causing physical, mental, and emotional issues.” – wrote Laetitia Duveau, the author as well as the founderand editor-in-chief of Curated by Girls.

The online portal as well as social media outlet is known for promoting diversity & equality. On Instagram they have a community of almost 200k followers!

Very excited to have reached such an audience! Thank you Laetitia for the feature.

P.E.R.I.O.D. music video is live!

P.E.R.I.O.D. music video is live!

After over a year of preparations – it’s live! Watch the video and listen to the song on Spotify/Apple Music. Share with friends and family, let’s #endperiodpoverty together ♥️🩸

The whole PERIOD story started from me reading a book by Emma Barnett and how she encouraged the readers in one of the chapters to create their own menstrual hygiene products ad. I felt challenged 💪

I talked about it with my partner, Daniel S. Roden and we decided that we don’t want to make an ad, we want to make a rap song about menstruation and then a music video to it 🙌 The visuals for the video started off as a continuation of the the visuals I created for Social Period ♥️ I felt inspired to turn them into a story told in a film, not just through still images.

I took on many roles in this video: I tried rapping for the first time, acting, directing and producing! But the video wouldn’t have been created without the wonderful help and talent of all people involved!


Director: Monika Kozub

Music: D1, Daniel S. Roden, Monika Kozub Cinematographer: Borbala Szelei

Costume Designer: Camila Miranda

Set Designer: Orsi Orban

Producer: Monika Kozub

Production Assistant: Eva Casini, Tatiana Alluci

Starring: Monika Kozub, Anagha, Auristella, Dotti Moscati, Emilia Gisele, Lady Bona, Zozo

Special thanks to: Moons and Junes, Einhorn Berlin, J. Ray, Chris Bucanac 


Cherry Blossom Sisterhood

Cherry Blossom Sisterhood

“Our bare feet rooted in the cherry blossomed earth, the womb fire of women sharing their warmth, the air speckled with petals and laughter, and the flowing water of poses together and apart……what a morning of Springtime joys!!“ – Tam @bluewitch59 wrote this about our yesterday’s shoot and I can’t put it better into words. It was dreamy, fairy, magical. Sisterhood in cherry blossoms 🌸

Thank you Lucy @blue_onair Bridget @bridgetmoy_and Tam @bluewitch59 for sharing your beauty with us 🌸

Jewel fawn
Nature in balance

20 Best Niche Lingerie & Loungewear Brands – Updated 2022

20 Best Niche Lingerie & Loungewear Brands – Updated 2022

I’m a big lingerie fan and I believe it can do magic to your self-esteem.


  • 1) it’s hidden under your clothes, so you wear it just for yourself, not to prove anything to anyone else
  • 2) even though it’s hidden, you remember about it and it’s a reminder that your body is worthy of something pretty that doesn’t play any other role than to be pleasurable to you.

Please, do me a favor, and next time you buy new underwear pick something because you like the way you look in it (or since you can’t try it on now, how you imagine yourself in it).

Give yourself this gift of attention, pay tribute to your own sensuality and sexuality. I’ve heard from women coming to my boudoir photo shoots that a visit to a lingerie store can already do so much to make you feel good in your body – it can remind you that your body is not just a mere vehicle for all the thoughts and activities, but a temple on its own – cherish it.

Disclaimer: I’m only sharing here brands that I personally truly like, I’m not getting paid for any of the links.


On their website Aikyou claim: “We think small busts are wonderful just the way they are. That’s why we create our lingerie in absolutely special designs just for that reason: bras, which make you and your small boobs feel feminine and simply great, without any underwiring or push-ups.” They do provide some padding though if you like it.

Bras starting from 59.90€, panties from 29.90€


A brand from Poland (Polish pride in me growing strong!) that offers shipping to EU and bras in sizes from B to L (or maybe even further, depends on the model)! I love that their designs are so inclusive – the same bra style is available in all these different sizes. Finally my friends with fuller bust can forget about tent-like bra design and embrace sexy lingerie and playful cuts.

The only problem – you might need to use auto-translate mode in your browserm as their website is in Polish

Prices: bras start at around 43€, panties at around 21€

talk under light underwear

Talk under light

They promise soft undewear made of organic cotton using natural dyes that breathes with your skin. “Our garments seek women’s emotional contact with their clothing and with the Earth. A return to valuing what we do and how we do it. It is about loving the world again and loving ourselves.” – a truly mindful approach that’s visible on their photos as well. Plus: they have gender neutral items as well.

Prices: bras starting at 59,90€ for bra/top, briefs starting at 25€

Savara Intimates

It was created by Dutch woman, Eva van Schijndel, after she graduated from the University and despite having “the perfect job”, she found herself wanting to do something meaningful and beautiful. She recalls her morning thought process: “Wake up, shower, walk to my underwear drawer and the challenge starts. Which bra will fit my cloths? Which one has no stabbing wires yet? Which one fit me this moment of the month and is also charming so I don’t have to cover it up for my boyfriend? What kind of material is this, which makes me all sweaty after biking to the office? Who actually made this?”. One day she took a sewing machine and started putting her ideas into reality – and that’s how Savanna Intimates started. Every bra has straps which can be adjusted to your underbust size – goodbye to badly fitting bra! Did I mentions that they’re also sustainable? And feature unphotoshopped images of their wonderfully diverse models? Bravo Savara!

Prices: Slip from 25€, bralette from 55€

Moons and Junes

“Danish brand that recently started their Unapologetic campaign which I love with all my heart: “Many of us struggle to express ourselves unapologetically, especially when we’re dressing down, being sexual and when the two intersect. We encourage you to express your love & romantic life unapologetically whatever it looks like in this present moment.” The photos are bold, steamy and yes, unapologetic – showing female bodies the way they really are. Furthermore, you can explore on their website the #bitsandboobs gallery – a space where women can share unretouched photos of their chest area (join the project if you want!). Did I mention that they also produce colorful, minimal and wire-free underwear that fits all sizes? Well, they do that as well. Every model has photos of women wearing each possible size – so that you really can imagine how it would look on you.

Prices: Panties 39€, Bra 61€

Essentials for Zula

Family-run label – Austria-Thai born designer Delie teamed with her father to create essential pieces that would fit into any women’s closet. Their fabrics are locally sourced, woven and dyed in Thailand, produced by a small team of fair paid seamstresses and tailors. You can choose from wide range of bralettes, bodysuits, active and swimwear. To me their trade mark is the multi-strap look – what they can do with straps is really amazing!

Prices: Bralettes starting at 34€, Leggins starting at 49€

Morrow and Mint

Morrow and Mint brings the sexy mom back! I’ve never seen bras that would make breast feeding so easy, while still looking like a sexy piece of lingerie. Bravo for that! They even have a model fitted for breast pumps!

Prices: Nursing bras starting at 38,79€, bras from 36€, 7-day panties pack 58,19€ (now on discount for 32,33€).

The Nude Label

All pieces are locally made in Valencia, Spain from organic cotton free of chemicals or recycled polyamid (swimwear). “As we love mama earth, our goal is to make the least possible impact on the planet. We do also love the people living on it and that’s why ethics are so important to us. Taking the best of both places, our pieces are made to be as natural as possible and to be worn like a second skin by all kind of people, not just for perfect models.” – yes to that! I love how simple yet creative they are with the designs. And their body positive photo shoots are truly stunning!

Prices: Panties starting from 15€, bras from 35€

Oil Paint Leggings with extra Hip-Bag BOOCHEN


Boochen is mainly focused on swimwear, but I wanted to feature them here because of their leggings: wonderful all over prints, made from materials reclaimed from sea waste in a small fair studio in Hongkong. Their products use Lycra® Extra Life –  fibers that protect you from the UV light (SPF 50) and, at the same time extend the life span of the product 5 times!

Prices: leggings for 89€


“We only use sustainable materials such as recycled polyester, recycled wool, lyocell and organic cotton. All our packaging, paper and polybags are either recycled or biodegradable. Most of our products are vegan approved, and if not, it is because it is recycled (wool) or a waste resource (milk). Fair working conditions and fair wages are human rights. Therefore, we only work with certified factories. We love women, of all kinds and sizes, and our goal is to make you feel as beautiful and comfortable as possible.” – when I read that kind of introduction, I know they are my type of brand. In addition they happen to provide a wide range of amazing lingerie, loungewear and swimwear. I’m in love with their colorful bralettes – I can’t decide which one to try out first: the mint, coral or lime.

Prices: Panties starting at 37,50€ (but they have great discounts now), Bras starting at 40€ (also good discounts now)

Underprotection underwear


The founders, Fran & Naomi couldn’t find underwear that any body could feel comfortable in, regardless of where they fell on the size or gender spectrum. So they started TomboyX – size and gender inclusive underwear and lounge wear.And it’s also sustainable! Dream come true if you would like some comfy colorful underwear.

Prices: briefs starting at 17,95€, soft bras for 28,95€, compression top for 37,95€.

Erlich Textil

Their main motto is “Do it with love” – love for details, quality, and everyone involved in the creation of the product. Erlich provides on their website extensive information about the clothes: what eco friendly materials they use, explaining the price, introducing the team and giving advice on how to take care of their clothing (all in German though). All your family can wear Erlich from head to toe, but I wanted to focus on their women’s underwear and loungewear: simple and pretty classics in basic colors. All made of organic cotton, modal or linen.

Prices: Bras from 22,95€, Panties from 15,95€

Erlich Textil
Dora Larsen Lingerie

Dora Larsen

“Dora Larsen lingerie is devoted to colour. Each item in each collection features subtly created colours that are unique to us: shell pink, lilac grey, snorkel blue, saffron, moss. Colour can be soothing, amusing, rebellious or uplifting. The magic lies in how the colours are combined.” – we read on their website. And it is true – surprising color combinations turn traditional lacy lingerie into festive subversive garments. There’s statement jewelry, now it’s time for statement underwear!

Prices: Briefs starting from £22, bras starting from £42


A brand started by sisters focusing on no-feel underwear and lounge wear made of organic bamboo. If you’re looking for something that you can walk all day and even do your yoga practice, have a look at their website. They get some extra points from me for body positive campaign including women of different shapes and races 🙌 Handmade in Brno, Czech Republic.

Prices: Panties start at 400 Kč (around 15€), bras start at 950 Kč (around 35€)

Corpus (@corpus.lingerie)

The Slow Label

If you’re looking for basic clothes that will last long and you would want to be sure they were made in a sustainable way – The Slow Label is there for you. Their products are ethically made in Bangladesh, and hand printed in Germany. They’re very transparent about their sources – you can easily read the details on the website and learn how each part of the production process is being handled. What do they offer? Everyday lounge and active wear in multiple colors – minimal, made of organic cotton or recycled polyester.

Prices: Bra 38€, Leggins 68€, Sweatshirt 89€ (but they’re on discount now for 75€)


Boob Design

“The idea of Boob was born on a cold and windy autumn day in 1999, when I watched my sister breastfeed her newborn son with the north wind sweeping around her bare waist. There and then, I realized that mothers, like all super heroes, deserve the right gear.” – writes Mia Seipel, the founder of Boob Design. I couldn’t agree more! They have patented nursing collection for mothers in all stages, made of sustainable materials 100% tested for harmful chemicals. Plus: you can find articles to help you determine which underwear is most suitable for your stage.

Prices: Nursing bra starting from 49,95€, Soft Support Briefs 29,95€, Nursing Tank Tops from 44,95€

Boob Design Loungewear and Underwear for Moms

Coco Malou

Fair lingerie brand from Germany, producing in Portugal from sustainable materials. They offer delicate lacy lingerie and nightwear covering all sizes. Plus: they plant a tree after every set is sold, in cooperation with WeForest.

Prices: briefs starting at 29,90€, bralettes at 59,90€


When it comes to bras, nothing is more important than a good fit! The founder of Brajuu, Melanie, knows the problem from her own experience and decided to create a platform where you could not only buy bras, but first and foremost learn how to pick the right size. Take the quiz on Brajuu website and learn how to measure yourself properly to choose the right bra. Bonus points for showing unphotoshopped women of all ages and sizes in their ads!

Prices: bras starting at 29,95€, briefs from 18,90€.

Girls Watch Porn

The name says it all. Bold, tongue-in-cheek designs for people of all gender from a brand started by best friends, both named Paulina (sic!) in Poland. “Talking about romantic love, like the one seen in American romantic comedies, they concluded that not every woman dreams of a prince on a white horse and bouquets of roses.” Hell yeah, time to express our sexuality freely.

Prices: briefs 69 PLN (around 15€), tops starting from 69PLN (around 15€).


These are not just lingerie items, they’re wearable art pieces, so it’s a higher price range. But at the same time you know that it’s sustainable and the company pays fair wages to their workers. “Our production company is female led, based in Romania and employs 90% female workers.” – that’s true feminism! The founder, Agathe D. Muffert speaks about her clients: “The Opaak woman likes her luxury understated. I design for her who looks for comfort, but never at the sacrifice of style. (…) The Opaak woman plays with what she knows. She can not be described in a stereotype and there is no need to put one’s finger on a specific age.”

Prices: Panties starting from 62€, bras from 88€ (but they have nice sales)

Opaak underwear


50 ways to celebrate all types of love on Valentine’s Day

50 ways to celebrate all types of love on Valentine’s Day

Originally sent out as a newsletter – if you would like to get such posts ahead of everyone else, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of the page.

I know that Valentine’s Day can be cringy as f*ck!

But let me introduce you to the way I see this: as an opportunity to show love in any form you would like: towards yourself, your friends & fam, your pets, the environment, your life passion and of course your romantic partner(s) as well.

I decided to create a list of things, most of them free, to help you discover types of love normally not visible in the popular culture, so obsessed with the initial stage of infatuation.

In my family Valentine’s Day was always about all the kind of love you see around – an easy way in even if your family member was not particularly open about their emotions. It’s Valentine’s Day, so it’s an excuse to be cheesy and express all the love you feel.

As hackneyed as it may sound I believe that love is all we need. Just not restricted to a particular limited way of seeing it.

50 ways to celebrate all types of love

  • Call the family member that taught you how to love and tell them about it.

  • Plan a date with your best friend – doesn’t have to be exactly on Valentine’s Day, but just so that you find time to talk to each other honestly and without time pressure.

  • Use a sex toy and discover how it can bring you pleasure. If you don’t have one – buy one, you totally deserve it, and there are multiple price tiers – you’ll find something for yourself.

  • Watch a movie that shows love normally not seen in popular culture (some of my favorites: Carol (2015) by Todd Haynes, Laurence Anyways (2012) by Xavier Dolan, Rafiki (2018) by Wanuri Kahiu, Gloria Bell (2018) by Sebastian Lelio).

  • Create and send a funny Valentine card to your friend you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Find a quote about love that speaks to you the most, write it down and put it somewhere around the house where you would see it often.
  • Send a “Happy Valentine’s Day” message to someone you know would be happy to get one.

  • Go for a walk and photograph all the graffiti connected with love you can find.

  • Write a love letter to your body.

  • Read On Connection by Kae Tempest

  • Find a poem about love that you like.

  • Cook or buy some food that would bring you comfort.

  • Read All About Love by bell hooks.

  • Think of a friend you lost touch with and try reconnecting with them.

  • Start saving up for something you wanted to get but always thought it would be too extravagant or too vain to get.

Think of what made you happy as a kid and find time to do it again very soon (dancing, singing, drawing, playing a game etc.)

  • Read Dog Songs by Mary Oliver – poems and short prose exploring the human-canine relationship.

  • Organize a clothing swap party – you’ll get rid of clothes you don’t need anymore, make friends and celebrate sustainability together.

  • Read Anatomy of Love by Helen Fischer – a natural history of mating, marriage and why we stray from an anthropological perspective.

  • Create a list of things you thought were necessary in a person for you to love them 10 years ago and compare it with what you think now.

  • Find a way you can volunteer and/or donate to a cause you find important.

  • Create a playlist for love making (with a partner or by yourself) – you can also listen to the one I created: Boudoir Love (see next to this text).

  • Next time you see a trash on your way somewhere pick it up and throw it into a bin – show that you care for the environment.

  • Watch Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) by David Gelb, a documentary showing a true passion and love for what you’re doing in life.

  • Call your grandparents (if you have them, if not – any older and wiser people you know) and ask them what do they think love is.

  • Buy yourself flowers.

  • Write an erotic story based on your fantasy.

  • Watch your favorite love scene from an animated movie (for me probably the memorable kiss between the Lady and the Trump in the original animation).

  • Write an erotic story based on your fantasy.

Stand naked in front of a mirror and look at yourself in a loving way, finding the things that make you special and beautiful.

  • Watch your favorite love scene from an animated movie (for me probably the memorable kiss between the Lady and the Trump in the original animation).

  • Reach out to a creative person whose art inspires you and tell them about it – many times these artists have no idea that their work is impactful and be over the moon to learn they actually make your day.

  • Do a workout of your choice and bathe in the endorphins that follow.

  • Become a tourist in your own town – find a place you’ve never been, or never properly explored and walk around, maybe read about its history as well.

  • Support a local business and tell them how much you appreciate them being around.

  • Smile to people you pass on street and don’t get discouraged if they don’t smile back – in Berlin during winter it may come as a shock to them that someone is smiling.

  • Read A Letter to My Dog Exploring the Human Condition by Andrea Gibson.

Think of all the people you love and they love you back and realize that you are surrounded by love.
