I can think of so many stories in regards to my relationship with my body. Some sad, some happy, but I believe the most important thing has been that we are companions. It took me a while to not think of my body as an enemy: too skinny, too easy to get sick… therefore very used to use different types of medication, etc.
When I arrived in Germany, me and my body, we have begun our journey and I discovered, that I have a sensitive friend.
Sometimes we get mad at each other, but usually we communicate. I know for sure that my outside is the reflection of my inside. I can feel it in every posture and the energy that comes from my body, sometimes strength, sometimes fragility. If I listen carefully, I sense we are really connected and that connection established signals that now I use to know myself better.

Andrea, from Chile
Sometimes we get mad at each other, but usually we communicate.

Andrea, from Chile
I took photos of Andrea in April 2019. She sent me the text in 2020.