30 Sep 2022 | Illustration, Women's Rights
In solidarity with people in Iran 💪🔥
On the situation in Iran from Amnesty International:
On 13 September 2022, Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini was arrested in Tehran by Iran’s so-called “morality” police. Eyewitnesses reported seeing her being violently beaten in a police van. Within hours, she was taken to hospital in a coma, and three days later the 22-year-old died.
The “morality” police routinely subject women and girls to arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment for not complying with Iran’s abusive, degrading and discriminatory compulsory veiling laws. Mahsa’s death sparked widespread protests across Iran. The protests have been met with a deadly crackdown. Security forces have repeatedly used unlawful force. They have fired live ammunition and metal pellets at protesters at close range, misused tear gas and water cannons, and severely beaten people with batons.
Since Mahsa’s death, we have recorded the deaths of dozens of men, women and children. Hundreds of others have sustained painful and serious injuries, including at least two who have been blinded in one or both eyes. Most are not seeking hospital treatment for fear of arrest, increasing the risk of infection and other health complications. Iranian authorities are shutting down the Internet to hide their crimes.
Right now, there is a crisis of impunity in Iran, and it has emboldened the Iranian authorities to kill hundreds of protesters and torture and ill-treat thousands more in recent years without fear of consequences. It is time for states engaging at the UN Human Rights Council to help tackle impunity for grave crimes in Iran.
Download poster in A4 (210x297mm)
27 Oct 2020 | Illustration, Inspiration, Women's Rights
To all my sisters in Poland protesting against the ban on abortion, to all the sisters worldwide that see their rights being violated every day. To all women and non-binary people who feel discriminated – revolution has many faces, but I believe now it is a woman. Women’s rights are human rights. As much as the politicians and lawmakers can hide behind a slogan “I haven’t met any LGBTQ+ person, so I don’t know what you’re talking about” (as it happened in Poland, where queer people were called “ideology”), they can’t claim they’ve never met a woman in their life. That one fact unites us all – everyone person reading these words had a mother. So it’s the right time to finally recognize women as an important part of society! Without them there wouldn’t be anyone here talking.
I created this illustration as I wanted to show women of different ethnicities and body shapes, fighting together for their rights. I also noticed that a lot of posters supporting women’s rights had no clear evidence that any of the women illustrated are mothers. And as much as I agree that women’s rights should be respected no matter if you decide to have kids or not, I also want to remind everyone that the women protesting very often have kids and families. They’re not some “angry feminists wanting to defeat men”, they’re our mothers, daughters, sisters… Who are fed up with someone else deciding on their lives and their wombs. Revolution is a woman, so fuck off patriarchy, we’re going at you.
#slaypatriarchy #dziewuchydziewuchom #womensrightsarehumanrights #cantbelieveihavetoprotestthisshit

Download the poster in English: revolution_is_a_woman
(PL) Pobierz plakat po polsku: rewolucja_jest_kobieta_plakat